Thursday, June 25, 2009


Remember that cartoon "Recess" that used to be on Disney channel. It was about 3rd graders at recess and the various problem that arise. One of the problems were the kindergartner's. They were savage warlike kids who were crazy and out of control. They wore war paint everyday and any big kid caught there in the kindergarten playground was tied up and tortured.
These are my crazies adorned with war paint and everything. They are very dangerous when it comes to sidewalk chalk. BEWARE.


  1. Glad to see your boys are doing better. What about you and Scott?

  2. Watch out! Whew, its a good thing those boys aren't in the same class at church or school :) You should check out my blog again, there is something about you in there :)

  3. scott and i are still sick, but finally on the mend. it's sad when i'm excited not to need a cough drop all hours of the day.

  4. It makes me want to watch the lost boys playing indian in Disney's Peter pan :)
